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How to Gain Weight the Right Way

 How to Gain Weight the Right Way

As popular as weight loss topics are, it's time to look at the other side of the scale. The concept of weight gain has escaped the grasp of many naturally thin individuals. It doesn't seem to matter. No matter what they do, they can't put on an ounce of extra mass.

And it doesn't help that people on the internet and even fitness gurus are telling you. That there's no way you're going to gain weight because of your "genetics." Fortunately, such an obvious claim is patently false.

  Of course, each person's body has genetic differences, but barring any disease, anyone can put on not only mass, but also large amounts of muscle. Basically, it comes down to two things.

1, eating the right amount of food, and 2, the right exercise plan. Yes, you may be thinking, "I've already tried that and it doesn't work!" The thing is, it's as much an excuse as an overweight person who says they've tried every diet. And still can't lose weight.

  The reality is that nothing will ever escape the laws of thermodynamics. Energy cannot be destroyed or created. It can only be converted from one form to another. That is, to gain weight, one must consume more calories than one burns. And some of you might think. That not all calories are created equal, and that's true.

The three caloric macronutrients that we humans eat, protein, carbohydrates and fat, serve very different purposes, but they are all essentially energy for the body. Eat too much and the body stores the excess, and you gain weight. So, increasing calorie intake is the name of the game.

You've probably heard people and maybe even fitness professionals tell you this. And eat. Heck, double what you're eating now and you'll gain weight in no time! And yes, that's true, but it doesn't always work.

Realize that you have spent your entire life eating a certain amount of food, thus, your body has adapted to expect a certain amount of food. We as humans are very addictive creatures. Meaning, we don't like change. And when change comes, there is resistance.

And what's a bigger change than doubling your food intake? Knowing this, the proper approach is to change things slowly. If you're eating a sandwich with three slices of turkey for lunch, try four slices next time. Drink half a glass of milk in the morning? Try three quarters! An 8-ounce steak for dinner? Try 9! It's all about small changes now that add up to big changes later.

In terms of calories this can be about one to two hundred more calories per day. After a few weeks, ramp it up to two to three hundred, and after a few weeks, three to four hundred! You get the pattern. And yes, the type of food matters too. You don't want to be throwing down bags of chips all day, even if it works. High-calorie and nutrient-dense foods,

Like fruits, nuts and oats, would be a good idea. More protein if you're shooting for more muscle, such as 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. Aim for a high intake of healthy omega-3 fats and carbohydrates. Be careful with too many carbs, as this can lead to insulin resistance over time, and in extreme cases, a little thing we call "diabetes." Unlikely, yes, but possible. And if all else fails, yes, taking supplements can help.

But choose those that are high in protein and fat. Many mass-gaining supplements are simply sugary compounds, which can technically make you gain weight, but not in a healthy way. And of course, if you want to build muscle, eating is only half the battle. The other half is in the gym. Whether it's weightlifting or calisthenics, your training should consist of heavy volume and progressive overloading.

This means pushing a moderately heavy weight several times, and the next time, pushing a heavier weight than the first time. Rinse and repeat. Avoid things like cardio, as it burns a lot of your precious calories, and even try to minimize any physical activity at all, like cleaning your room or washing the dishes. As trivial as it sounds, all of these activities can add up to a solid number of calories.


But… good luck convincing others of your unfinished household duties to your advantage. And if you're paying close attention, you'll notice that all of these tips are basically the same as bulking principles. But naturally thin people have to be much more diligent about following mass guidelines than your average person.

You can learn more about bulking in the Topic here. Finally, if you learned anything from this Topic, let it be that anyone can gain weight, including you. Apply the right calorie approach, and it will definitely happen. Please like and share this Topic if you found it useful, and if you have an even better tip, share it in the comments!

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