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Past years were the worst years of my life everything was terrible I was overweight And couldn't even walk confidence was non-existent weighing close to 400 pounds Friends abandoned me no one liked me and my girlfriend left I was broken-hearted it was a tough time and I felt deeply Depressed when I reached out for help no one came to my Aid I was ready to give up on life but I also yearned for change deep within the recesses of my heart I wanted to be a regular person finally I made I miss weight the journey started off difficult I cried and got angry with myself to give up many times but I didn't give up I took control of my diet and began exercising and doing cardio I did fasting cardio every morning and sometimes even two or three sessions of cardio a day I wanted to prove the people who left me wrong hard work began to pay to pay a flexible it was like a miracle I lost pounds every day shedding 40 pounds in just two months my confidence and motivation grew I knew I could achieve my goal little by little I became stronger and adapted to the routine I cut out junk food and sweets from my diet focused on getting a ripped body with six-pack abs looking in the mirror I felt like a superhero I believed I could accomplish anything the person in the old pictures was gone both physically and mentally I transformed into a beast got to keep at it we're going to stay positive my goal is to make this public so that I'm committed here we go 365th day weight loss Journey again some people have some people are distressed some people are insecure some people are fat and overweight I called myself fat because I was fat I refuse to sugarcoat the truth for it was in that brutal honesty that I found the strength to rise you see if we're not real and raw with who the we are nothing the Mind controls everything it has the power to dictate our actions and determine Our Fate but when you reach that critical point when you hit that 40 mark your brain tells you we're done let's roll man this is getting painful this is uncomfortable so you sit down defeated but there's a way out there's a way to shatter the limitations imposed by our own minds you see it's not about following a set of five steps or four steps that's all it's a practice a habit it's about discovering what works for you it's a journey that goes beyond simple formulas it's about embracing the struggle and taking that first step that's when the 40 rule kicks in you're feeling pain your mind screams get out of here run flee the fight-or-flight response takes hold telling you that you're not good enough power to regain control of your mind it's there buried beneath the doubts and min securities you ask yourself can I go 45 can I push just a little bit more by giving yourself more Hope by believing in your own strength you start to challenge the negative narratives control of your mind begin to unearth the hidden potential within from forty percent you end defying the odds Breaking Free from the confines of your comfort zone it's a battle thought within yourself the struggle to reach that spot where your mind is screaming stop that's where you must go first some people may claim it's due to drugs but I challenge them to try a clean diet for a few months and see the changes they can achieve I realized that if I set my mind to something and worked hard anything was possible from despair I emerge triumphant I became Unstoppable realizing that I can accomplish anything in this world there are no limits I continue to inspire others to overcome their struggles join me on this incredible forming your body step out of your comfort zone and embrace the possibilities together through dedication and hard work we can turn dreams into reality so many people out there fail not because they don't have the ability it's because they don't have a heart to go through adversity the question is can you manage your conflict and still sees your destiny because if you're waiting for it to end you will never get anywhere life is full of pain there's no gain without pain now if you want to hurt anyhow get some yardage out of it get something from it you already in pain use it do something with it allow it to take you to the next level allow your pain to push you to Greatness you got to make it happen or it's not going to happen you got to get up off your hand boss plan bust a move or nothing is going to happen in your life all right foreign



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